Cuttlefish - HappyTortoises Own Brand

from £2.00
  • 100% natural cuttlefish bone

  • excellent source of calcium

  • helps develop strong bones and shell

  • locally sourced

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  • 100% natural cuttlefish bone

  • excellent source of calcium

  • helps develop strong bones and shell

  • locally sourced

  • 100% natural cuttlefish bone

  • excellent source of calcium

  • helps develop strong bones and shell

  • locally sourced

100% natural cuttlefish bone
Excellent source of calcium
Helps develop strong bones and shell
Keeps tortoises' beaks trimmed
Tortoises enjoy seeking this out and nibbling on it as required
Collected from UK coastline and pre-boiled to kill off any bacteria and is ready to use
Sizes vary and may have some imperfections due to seagulls and other wildlife pecking/nibbling before collecting

Broken cuttlefish pieces
We also sell broken cuttlefish pieces. This is the same product as the whole cuttlefish, but broken into smaller, more manageable pieces. Excellent value for money and your tortoise won’t know the difference!

• Place one cuttlefish bone in your tortoise's enclosure
• Ensure the softer surface of cuttlefish bone is up-turned and accessible for your tortoise
• File down hard edges of cuttlefish to make it easier for young tortoises to access the softer calcium
• Some tortoises prefer 'weathered' cuttlebone that has been outside in the rain for a while, others prefer fresh cuttlebone
• Fresh cuttlefish bone can also be ground up and sprinkled on your tortoise food as a calcium supplement
• Discard if soiled or after softer cuttlebone has been eaten
• Discarded cuttlebone can be crushed up and sprinkled on garden soil to provide calcium-rich soils to start growing tortoise-safe weeds for them

Calcium Powder - HappyTortoises Own Brand
from £2.50
Cloverleaf Absolute Tortoise Wormer
from £9.50