Useful Links
Tortoise Help and Advice
HappyTortoises - Our website has lots of useful information on Tortoise husbandry, licencing, microchipping, tortoise breeds
HappyTortoises YouTube Channel - We have created a number of useful short videos on all aspects of tortoise care
Tortoise Trust - An organisation dedicated to the conservation and captive care of tortoises.
Bristish Chelonia - An organisation dedicated to the conservation and captive care of tortoises.
Advice on safe plants
Tortoise Table Plant Database - A useful website that allows you to search for plants, weeds, vegetables to see if they are safe to feed your tortoise.
Grow your own tortoise food
HappyTortoises Shop - we sell GYO tortoise food starter kits (for different tortoise breeds) plus GYO starter kits for tortoise-safe flowers, weeds and grasses); We also have a huge variety of individual seed packets as well as mixes to grow your own delicious, healthy food for your tortoise
Amazon - You can also source seeds to grown your own tortoise food on this website.
Tortoise Table Equipment
HappyTortoises Shop - we supply tortoise tables, equipment for tortoise tables at competitive prices.
You can also purchase equipment from amazon, other online reptile shops as well as your local pet shop. Please be aware of unnecessary upselling tactics and only purchase the items recommended for your breed of tortoise (see our accessory packs for our recommended shopping list!). Please also check quality and safety of ‘cheaper’ products before purchase as some can be harmful to tortoises.
Wildlife licencing / DEFRA
Endangered species application Link - Link to FED1012 application form required to apply for tortoise licences.
Email: Telephone: 0300 020 0301
Microchipping registration
Petlog - The UK’s largest microchipping database