HappyTortoises is a family run business, based in West Sussex, UK. We have many years experience successfully raising and breeding healthy and happy tortoises as well as having them as our family pets - the first ones were Linford and Zola, our mediterranean spur-thighed tortoises. For those of you familiar with our YouTube channel you will have seen these tortoises appear with our leopards, indian stars and radiated tortoises.
We specialise in the sale of top quality, UK captive bred tortoises. We supply different species of tortoise such as Mediterranean Spur-Thighed (“Greek”), Leopard and Indian Star tortoises, as well as everything you need to continue to give them healthy and happy lives. We sell a variety of age ranges from baby tortoises, to yearling or juvenile tortoises, right through to adult tortoises.
Each and every tortoise (from a hatchling through to adulthood) is given the best care, healthiest diet and accommodation that is as close to their natural habitat as possible. The welfare and health of our tortoises is our no. 1 priority and we pride ourselves in being able to offer the very best tortoises for you and your family to enjoy for years to come!
Our online shop offers a range of tortoise tables (including all essential accessories and much more) for the different breeds and ages of tortoises.
We are available to help you and your family decide on the best breed of tortoise to suit your family (we won't push you into buying a tortoise which isn’t suitable for you to keep). We won't try to up-sell by encouraging you to buy items or equipment that isn't necessary for your tortoise.
As well as offering pre-sale advice on: what setup is required, care, feeding etc, we also offer advice and provide support once you have your tortoise.
At HappyTortoises we:
❤︎ Sell top quality, healthy tortoises bred by ourselves
❤︎ Provide the legal paperwork (where applicable)
❤︎ Microchip tortoises >60mm before sale (where legally required)
❤︎ Provide a comprehensive care sheet including a useful websites section and photos of example enclosures
❤︎ Provide a guarantee for 2 months from any illness (providing recommended setup, temperatures, feeding, bathing/hydration guidelines are followed)
❤︎ Each tortoise purchased from us will be offered ongoing help and advice
Available Breeds
Each tortoise breed has their individual requirements for food, housing, enclosure size, humidity requirements and hibernation.
Please be sure to read the "basic information" below for each breed of tortoise as well as the care sheets before purchasing. This will help you know the breed of tortoise that is right for you and your family so you can give to offer your tortoise the best care throughout their lifetime.
Basic information:
classed as "Large" tortoise (my adults are >1ft long)
DOES NOT hibernate
requires heat/light all year around
eats 70% grasses/hays; 30% tortoise-safe weeds and flowers
babies require open-topped tortoise table (no vivariums)
Basic information:
classed as "Medium" tortoise (my adults are 5-9" long)
DOES NOT hibernate
requires heat/light all year around
eats 50% grasses/hays; 50% tortoise-safe weeds and flowers
babies require open-topped tortoise table (no vivariums)
Mediterranean spur thighed tortoise
Basic information:
classed as "Medium" tortoise (my adults are 6-8" long)
DOES hibernate
is a hardier breed and more suited to our UK weather
eats tortoise-safe weeds and flowers
babies require open-topped tortoise table (no vivariums)